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About me


I am on a personal journey to transform into a better version of myself. I am constantly looking for opportunities to push myself out of my comfort zone, find opportunities to experiment, learn and develop a deeper understanding of myself. One of the methods I use is to commit to time bound challenges - such as waking up at 4:30 for 30 days or running 20 mins for 30 days or eating satvic diet for 90 days.


I have gained a lot from my journey so far. I share my experience and insights on my Youtube channel @PramilaDhyani.


I have launched cohort based workshops - 30 Day Early Riser Challenge and 30 Day Social Media Detox Challenge. These provide an opportunity to take these challenges with me and with the support of a like-minded community.

Contact Me 

Have feedback about a workshop, suggestions on content I create or simply a message for me?

Email me at at gmail dot com

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