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Image by Alice Donovan Rouse

Transform Your Life in 30 Days

Join the  LIVE  Program to Start Unlocking Your Best Self

✅ 30 Interactive Live Sessions at 5:30 am with Pramila

5 Focus Areas to Rewire Your Life Holistically

Supported by Hundreds of Like Minded Participants

Hurry! Starts on 1st July.

Break Free from Unproductive Habits!

5 Transformations in 30 Days

7-Day 100% Refund Policy


Theory Kam Experience Zyada!

You’ve read the self-help books, watched countless YouTube videos, and resolved to change many times. You’ve said to yourself, ‘This time will be different!’ But then... you’re all too familiar with what happens next. One step forward, two steps back.


From my own experience, I’ve learned that true change doesn’t come from consuming more content—it comes from taking action. The 30-Day Challenges I’ve completed have taught me more than any book or video ever could. It instilled in me the undeniable truth: change only comes with action.


This workshop is designed to help you take that consistent action and experience the joy of intentional living. My goal isn’t to leave you with just fancy frameworks to impress your friends. Instead, I intend to guide you toward lasting self-transformation that quietly inspires everyone around you.

Participant Testimonials❤️

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don’t find value in the workshop, you can request a full refund within the first 7 days—no questions asked.

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